Online Courses


My online training courses are designed for people who wish to develop new or further their ecological skills; learning simple wildlife identification techniques, applying them to tailored practical exercises, all under the guidance of an expert and experienced tutor.

All courses are broken down into ‘modules’ comprising of a set number of online taught sessions per module. Each session lasts approximately 90 minutes and will include:

  • short presentations
  • group tasks 
  • self-assessed quizzes 

Modules are successive, building on what was learnt previously. You can attend and skip any module you wish although for a full learning experience it’s always recommended you complete the whole course and in order. 

Courses run on weekdays (incl. evenings starting at 7pm and finishing at approx. 8.30pm) – for specific dates & times please see details below. 


Costs for each course is £45 per module and can be paid as you go.

How to Book

For more information or to book, please contact via email:

Keep up with all the latest news of Walks, Courses & Experiences:

Bird Song ID

Learn how to identify birds by their sounds including both songs & calls. Each module covers a new selection of birds, divided up by the habitat type you are most likely to encounter them, with both common and difficult to see species covered.  

Beginner Course

Module 1 – Beginner Bird Song;        focusing on common & garden birds (3 sessions)

Intermediate Course

Module 2 – Intermediate Bird Song;   birds of the woodlands (1 session)
Module 3 – Intermediate Bird Song;   birds of farmland & the uplands (1 session)
Module 4 – Intermediate Bird Song;   birds of wetland habitats (1 session)

Advanced Course

Module 5 – Advanced Bird Song;        birds of coastal habitats including waders (2 sessions)
Module 6 – Advanced Bird Song;        uncommon birds with difficult songs & calls (1 sessions)


Current dates:

Session Dates Day of Week Time
Beginner Course – Module 1  15th September
22nd September
24th September
7pm – 8.30pm
Intermediate Course – Module 2, 3 & 4 TBC

Join the mailing list to receive new course dates.

General Bird ID

Learn how to identify a variety of birds by sight. Focusing on both individual species and group specific identification techniques, each module covers a tailored selection of birds including some of the more difficult birds we can encounter

Introduction to Bird ID

Module 1 – Intro to general techniques using common species examples i.e. thrushes/doves/ducks etc. (3 sessions)

Advanced Bird ID                                                                                                                             

Focused ID session on the more challenging groups:

Module 2 – Waders                                Specialist wader ID techniques  (1 session)
Module 3 – Raptors & alike                   Specialist raptor ID techniques incl. in flight  (1 session)
Module 4 – Warblers                              Focus on difficult and challenging group  (1 session)
Module 5 – Seabirds (incl. gulls)           Focus on difficult and challenging group  (1 session)


Current dates:

Session Dates Day of Week Time
Introduction to Bird ID – Module 1  TBC
Advanced Bird ID –  Module 2 TBC
Advanced Bird ID –  Module 3 TBC
Advanced Bird ID –  Module 4 TBC
Advanced Bird ID –  Module 5 TBC

Join the mailing list to receive new course dates.